SQLearn embraces new technologies in maritime training including Virtual Reality! A computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image, creating a seemingly real environment, that the user can interact with, using special electronic equipment, such as VR goggles / VR headset and gloves fitted with sensors.
*VR is not to be confused with AR, augmented reality, which is defined as “a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view”.
VR applications in training
Virtual Reality applications can be effectively used in order to train professionals. When combined with the benefits of e-learning, VR provides a unique approach to advance the way people learn using their personal computers/equipment. Virtual Reality e-learning applications in business provide the opportunity for Training & Development departments to simulate scenarios of stressful or even life-threatening situations, that would be difficult to be presented in a real-life environment. Applications of such technology in the maritime industry may vary with simulations of mooring operations, machinery adjustments, fire in the kitchen, explosions in an engineering room, etc. While providing the advantage of experiencing a simulated event of a mistake enables trainees to react and gain practical knowledge, thus confirms the studies showing that this type of training is more effective and requires less time.
VR equipment and related costs
Virtual Reality equipment becomes more advanced but at the same time more affordable and versatile to be used with a broad variety of standalone devices, like the Oculus Quest device suggested by SQLearn.
SQLearn VR Maritime Courses Library
SQLearn is particularly active within the shipping industry as a provider of e-learning solutions and services. The company has placed a special emphasis on the shipping industry, recognizing the importance of appropriate staff training as a means to reduce risks in a sector known to be exposed to multiple hazards. Aiming to expand its training services, SQLearn is implementing a Virtual Reality Application as a training tool for crew members, regarding emergencies that may occur on board.
Below you may find a list of VR e-courses, designed and developed by SQLearn:
- 8001 – How to test the Emergency Generator
- 8002 – Fire in the Engine Control Room
- 8004 – Lifeboat Launching Procedure
SQLearn’s products & services for maritime training.