The education offered to pupils interested in following a career in the maritime sector is often limited to books and theory, with very little on-the-job training and practice. This can create a mismatch between industry demands and graduates’ skills, and put safety at risk on board. That’s where Ready2Respond project comes in. It aims to build an XR simulation game with four scenarios based on real-life maritime situations. The project promoter is SQLearn and we partner with SINTEF. Our project aims to improve maritime education for pupils aged 15-18 years old, using XR technology. It will promote student engagement and the ‘learning by doing‘ approach.
The Ready2Respond project will build an XR simulation/4 scenario-based game to engage pupils of maritime schools in Greece and Norway to new, engaging, playful real-case scenarios. Pupils will be prepared to respond quickly and efficiently to demanding and challenging situations on board and they will be ready to operate in difficult situations before performing them.
Ready2Respond is supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants in the frame of the Programme “Business Innovation Greece”.
Project Reference Number: 2022/348154
The partnership
The project promoter is SQLearn and the partner is SINTEF Digital.
SQLearn: SQLearn is a specialized maritime training provider of CBT online training modules. The company is the first to use e-learning for the advancement of maritime training with flexible, interactive and reflective learning techniques. The company is based in Piraeus, Greece and provides services including consulting, technical support, the installation and configuration of modern synchronous and asynchronous education platforms, as well as the production of e-content (e-learning courses and webinars).
SINTEF Digital: SINTEF is one of Europe’s largest independent research organisations, based in Norway. SINTEF Digital conducts research and innovation in digital technologies and technology-oriented social sciences. Ιt’s multi-disciplinary knowledge base is used across all industries and helps the customers exploit and meet the opportunities created by digitalization and digital transformation.
The Need:
The proper education of the maritime personnel is recognised as a sine qua non in a context of the new trends, challenges and complexity of the shipping industry. There is a mismatch between the demands of the shipping industry and the graduates from the educational institutions. The need is twofold:
✔ The education offered must be improved
✔ There is a shortage of highly qualified personnel in the shipping industry.
The education offered to the pupils (aged 15-18) that want to follow a career in the maritime sector is limited to books and theory, with very little on the job training and practice.
The Response
- Recent technological advancements are creating new opportunities for evolving current maritime training tools and methods. Our project aims to improve maritime education for pupils aged 15-18 years old, using XR technology. XR technology (encompassing AR, VR, and MR) has enormous potential and has been increasingly applied in a plethora of fields.
- XR gives an opportunity for a different, innovative educational tool that can be easily adopted and used by the students of naval schools in Greece and Norway.
- The training aim is also to target aspects that they haven’t been taught during their mandatory public education.
Target groups
The pupils (aged 15-18) will be educated based on the needs of the shipping industry and they will be equipped with the required knowledge, skills and competences, in order to mitigate any risks related to their safety and everyone’s safety on board.
As many on-board procedures are difficult and expensive to be simulated in real case situations, XR gives the opportunity and a different, innovative educational tool.
XR can offer the possibility of repetitive practice, allowing for mistakes to be made and corrected without causing any real-world consequences, which can enhance the learning process.
The gamification of the XR training can also increase engagement and motivation among the pupils, leading to more effective learning outcomes.
By incorporating XR technology into maritime education, Ready2Respond aims to bridge the gap between the demands of the shipping industry and the education offered to pupils in naval schools.
Project Promotional Material
You can download the project flyer and the project poster
Coordinator: Ms. Chrysa Psyllaki
E-mail: ,
6 Skouze Str., Galaxias Building
185 36, Piraeus, Greece