Η SQLearn & η Moore Greece συνεργάζονται & διοργανώνουν το εξ αποστάσεως σεμινάριο: "Βασικές Aρχές Nαυτιλιακής Λογιστικής"

Moore Greece & SQLearn combine their areas of expertise & organize the Webinar “Introduction to Shipping Accounting“

SQLearn and Moore Greece join forces and organize the Live Webinar “Introduction to Shipping Accounting“.

The seminar will be implemented through SQLearn synchronous training platform (teleconference software). The instructor will be Mr. Panayiotis Hatziantonoglou (CPA GR) Certified public accountant in Greece and a partner at “Chartered Accountants Moore Stephens S.A.” since 2002 with 36 years of auditing and accounting experience. The seminar is addressed to Junior Accountants of Shipping companies as well as students & graduates of Economics Schools who want to pursue a career in the accounting and finance function of shipping companies.

SQLearn & VENLYS introduce new maritime e-courses on human element

SQLearn & VENLYS introduce new maritime e-courses on human element

SQLearn is delighted to announce its new partnership with VENLYS Maritime Specialisation Services by creating six new e-learning courses, in the field of “Human Element, Human Performance and Soft Skills”. The six new e-courses will be provided via SQLearn’s e-learning and training management system and will consist of four vessel crew related courses and two shore crew related courses as follows:

Let's Talk e-learning modules

“Let’s talk” about our mental health

Let’s Talk e-training for maritime is a concept that becomes more and more common and can prove to be of high importance to seafarers’ state of mental health and, since an aftereffect, also to their safety onboard. Through real case scenarios and do’s and don’ts provided, the crew assess that staying connected to each other & other communicational channels available for their mental wellbeing, they can confront issues that may arise before creating a negative effect to someone’s psychology.


Brave Dolphin: Tender Announcement

SQLearn S.A., within the framework of its running project entitled “Brave Dolphin”, supported by Grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 in the frame of the Programme “Business Innovation Greece”, is conducting a tender procedure to receive proposals regarding the provision of “Consultancy services for VR training modules storyboard development – 4 scenarios”.