Onboard Mentoring

1260 Onboard Mentoring

Onboard mentoring in the maritime industry goes beyond traditional training by providing personalized guidance and support based on mentorship. It is crucial for both upward and downward hierarchical structures, fostering growth and knowledge transfer among crew members. Efficient management of mentors as valuable assets is essential, emphasizing clear communication, goal setting, and continuous feedback. Improving…

SIRE 2 The Human Factors Approach

Sire 2.0: The Inspection Process

The SIRE 2.0 inspection process focuses on thorough preparation, effective planning, and clear expectations. Inspectors trained in human factors assess tasks, equipment, and crew practices to enhance Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) for a safer working environment. This course breaks down the SIRE 2.0 inspection process into steps, such as the inspectors’ boarding, the opening meeting,…

SIRE 2.0: The Human Factors Approach

SIRE 2.0: The Human Factors Approach

OCIMF introduced SIRE 2.0 with an enhanced focus on human factors to improve safety and environmental protection in the maritime industry. The updated Ship Inspection Report Programme incorporates human factors considerations as a core element to systematically address issues influencing errors and decisions causing risks. Therefore, the Human Factors Approach introduced by OCIMF is the…

Media Handling

Media Handling

As conventional norms regarding press and media interactions change, businesses, including those in the shipping industry, must reconsider their approaches to reputation management. An essential aspect of media handling is effective media crisis management, which requires proactive risk mitigation and careful information management, especially for false reports. To effectively address false information, it is essential…