SQLearn blog posts related to maritime training online

Ηow are seafarers faring in an age of mental wellbeing

All at sea: how are seafarers faring in an age of mental wellbeing?

Having been overlooked and considered taboo for many years, the issue of mental health is steadily emerging. Unfortunately, one such example is the maritime industry. Despite the burden of long stretches at sea, and the obvious impact this has on a seafarer’s mental wellbeing, the issue of mental health has not been a particular focus. And with continuing Covid-19 restrictions, the issue is more pressing than ever before.

Virtual Reality e-Learning

SQLearn develops innovative technologies to simulate real situations

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications are changing the field of maritime training as they can simulate a real event. SQLearn, one of the greatest e-learning providers in shipping, invests in these technologies including block chain for certificates validation.
Dr. Antonis Frigas, General Manager of SQLearn, explains the company’s new IT solutions in all areas of maritime training and describes the company’s Research & Development activities that aim at disrupting the field of maritime e-learning.


Spyros Goumas: “SQLearn builds the future of maritime e-learning”

Dedicated to building a modern approach to maritime training, SQLearn has brought a number of disruptions in the field such as the concept of interactive e-learning courses and real time connection with vessels. The company was founded in 2006 by Spyros Goumas, a visionary and inspired personality who has worked in the professional training sector for the last 30 years.