Elementary First Aid

STCW Elementary First Aid (EFA) online course

The STCW EFA course aims to provide the training for candidates to provide elementary first aid on board ship, in accordance with Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code. This course covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter VI, Section AV/1, Table A-VI/1-3. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in elementary first aid, a trainee will be competent to take immediate action upon encountering an accident or medical emergency until the arrival of a person with medical first aid skills or the person in charge of medical care on board.

STCW Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting

STCW Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF)

This course aims to provide training for candidates in fire prevention and firefighting, based on the guidelines of STCW 78/95, Section A-VI/1 and IMO Model Course 1.20. This course covers the requirements of STCW 78/95, Section A-VI/1, Par. 2, Table A-VI/2 on meeting the minimum standard of competence in fire prevention and firefighting. A trainee will be competent to take appropriate measures for the safety of personnel and ship and to use fire appliances correctly. The trainees will also acquire knowledge of fire prevention.

SQLearn & VENLYS introduce new maritime e-courses on human element

SQLearn & VENLYS introduce new maritime e-courses on human element

SQLearn is delighted to announce its new partnership with VENLYS Maritime Specialisation Services by creating six new e-learning courses, in the field of “Human Element, Human Performance and Soft Skills”. The six new e-courses will be provided via SQLearn’s e-learning and training management system and will consist of four vessel crew related courses and two shore crew related courses as follows:

Let's Talk e-learning modules

“Let’s talk” about our mental health

Let’s Talk e-training for maritime is a concept that becomes more and more common and can prove to be of high importance to seafarers’ state of mental health and, since an aftereffect, also to their safety onboard. Through real case scenarios and do’s and don’ts provided, the crew assess that staying connected to each other & other communicational channels available for their mental wellbeing, they can confront issues that may arise before creating a negative effect to someone’s psychology.

Mental health module 4- Let’s Talk: Promoting Positive Mental Health and Reducing Stigma

Mental health module 4- Let’s Talk: Promoting Positive Mental Health and Reducing Stigma

Let’s Talk Training Programme: Promoting Positive Mental Health and Reducing Stigma online course. The aim of this training is to help the crew to start having conversations around mental health and to start building understanding. Each module can be customized according to each company’s training approach and philosophy. This is an interactive e-learning course (not just CBT) that is designed according to ABS standards, industry best practices & adult learning principles and is certified by ABS. The course incorporates reflective learning methodologies and is based on updated material according to the latest industrial and enterprise standards.

Virtual Reality e-Learning

SQLearn develops innovative technologies to simulate real situations

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications are changing the field of maritime training as they can simulate a real event. SQLearn, one of the greatest e-learning providers in shipping, invests in these technologies including block chain for certificates validation.
Dr. Antonis Frigas, General Manager of SQLearn, explains the company’s new IT solutions in all areas of maritime training and describes the company’s Research & Development activities that aim at disrupting the field of maritime e-learning.